Star India batter Virat Kohli, along with his wife Anushka Sharma and children, recently visited the renowned priest Premanand Maharaj in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Kohli is having a terrible time in his professional career as he registered back-to-back low scores in the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar Tests against Australia. In the five-match series, which India lost 1-3, Kohli scored only 190 runs in nine innings, despite a century in the opening match. Many former cricketers and fans slammed Kohli and skipper Rohit Sharma for their dismal shows and even calls for their retirement were made.ย 

As the Australian Tests have ended and the Indian team is gearing up for the upcoming white-ball series against England, Kohli took some time to unwind and visitedย Parmanand Maharaj with his family at his ashram in Vrindavan.ย 

Notably, both Virat and Anushka are dedicated followers of Lord Krishna and have been spotted numerous times during prayers and events, related to the Hindu God.ย 

In a video going viral on social media, the couple was seen taking the blessings ofย Parmanand Maharaj, along with their adorable kids Vamika and Akaay.

While meeting Maharaj, Anushka said, “Pichli baar jab hum aaye they to mann mein kuch sawaal they. Mujeh laga ki puchungi lekin jo bhi baitha tha wahan pe, un sab ne kuch na kuch waisa sawaal kar liya tha. Jab yahan pe aane ki baat kar rahe they, main aapse mann hi mann baat kar rahi thi. Agle din main Kanti Vartalap kholti thi aur koi na koi wo sawaal puch raha hota tha. Aap bas mujhe prem bhakti de do. (The last time I came, I had a few questions in my heart. I wanted to ask those questions but someone else more or less covered it. When I was thinking about coming here, I was talking to you inside my mind. The next day, I would open โ€˜Kanti Vartalap’ and those questions would’ve been asked by someone. Now, all I want is your blessings.)

Seeing the devotion of the couple, Maharaj got emotional and said, “These guys are very brave. To devote yourself to God after achieving such fame in the world is quite a difficult thing. We think that your (Anushka’s) devotion towards God would have an impact on him (Kohli) as well.”

The series against England, which features five T20Is and three ODIs, will kick-start on January 22 with a T20I match in Kolkata. Kohli, along with Rohit and Ravindra Jadeja announced their retirement from the shortest format after India’s win at the T20 World Cup 2024.ย 

Following this, India will be featuring in the highly-anticipated Champions Trophy 2025, where they will take on Bangladesh in their opening match on February 20 in Dubai.ย 

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